Slow Dating
Slow Dating
What we’re about
Join our growing database of single professionals and sign-up for meet-ups.

Meet real people who seek to meet real connections. We provide an alternative to speed dating, online dating, and artificial "ice breakers" at typical single mixers.

How Slow Dating Works

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A picture is worth a thousand words so be sure to upload some to get potential matches interested.

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Stories from Slow Dating

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Melissa Hackney

"It was my first-time Slowdating, and I would say it'"s a good way to get out there and meet new people. conversations. Thank you Slow Dating."

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"I met my partner at SlowDating about an year ago, we are very serious about our relationship. We plan to get married this year and I would recommend them."



"I would definitely recommend Slow Dating. It was my first time doing something like this and overall it was a positive experience. There was a great mix of people, all pleasant."